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Best Places on Your Body for a New Tattoo


Deciding where to place your new tattoo is just as important as choosing the design itself. The placement can affect how often you see it, how others perceive it, and even how much it hurts to get inked. Your choice largely depends on your lifestyle, pain tolerance, and whether you want your tattoo to be visible or hidden.

Choosing the right spot for your new tattoo involves weighing the pros and cons of each placement, considering how visible you want your tattoo to be, and understanding the different pain levels associated with each area. By making an informed decision, you can ensure that your new tattoo will be a piece of art you’ll love and cherish for years to come.

Popular Tattoo Placements: Pros and Cons

When choosing where to place your new tattoo, it’s helpful to know the pros and cons of popular placements. The arm is a favorite spot for many. It’s a versatile area that can accommodate various designs, from small symbols near the wrist to full sleeves. One advantage is the visibility; you can easily show off your tattoo when you want and cover it with long sleeves when needed. However, because arms are often exposed, the tattoo may experience more wear and fading from sun exposure.

The back is another common choice. It offers a large canvas for intricate designs and is easier to cover with clothing for a professional setting. The con here is that it’s harder to see and appreciate your own tattoo without a mirror. Plus, some people find the back to be a more painful spot due to the proximity to the spine.

Leg tattoos are also quite popular. The thigh, calf, and shin provide ample space for creativity. Leg tattoos can be easily shown off with shorts or hidden with pants. However, areas like the shin and knee might hurt more due to the thin skin and bone.

Hidden Tattoo Spots: For Those Who Want Discretion

If you prefer to keep your tattoo private, several hidden spots can serve your needs. The ribcage is an ideal choice for those looking for discretion. Tattoos here can be large or small and are easily covered with clothing. The downside is that ribcage tattoos are known to be quite painful due to their thin skin and proximity to bones.

Behind the ear is another subtle spot. It’s perfect for smaller designs and can be hidden easily by hair or a hat. However, tattoos in this area can be more challenging to maintain due to sun exposure and the natural oils from the scalp.

The inner wrist is an excellent choice for a small, meaningful design. It can be covered with a bracelet or watch if needed. Just keep in mind that the skin on the wrist is quite thin, making it moderately painful for some people.

For a more intimate spot, consider the hip or lower back. These areas are rarely exposed, making them ideal for personal tattoos that you might not want the world to see. They also provide enough space for more detailed designs. The pain level can vary depending on your body’s sensitivity, but these spots tend to be more bearable than others close to bone.

High-Visibility Areas: Making a Bold Statement

If you want your tattoo to be noticed, high-visibility areas are the way to go. The wrist is a popular choice for display. A tattoo here is easy to show off, especially if it holds personal significance or a simple, elegant design. However, the wrist is exposed to the sun and frequent movement, which can lead to quicker fading.

Hand tattoos are striking and make a bold statement. They are highly visible and can be very intricate, showcasing your unique style. The downside is that hand tattoos can fade faster due to constant use and washing. Also, many workplaces still frown upon visible tattoos, so consider your job environment before committing.

The neck and throat areas are also popular for those who want their tattoos to be seen. These spots provide great canvases for both small, delicate designs and larger, more complex pieces. However, tattoos here are harder to cover and can be more socially stigmatized. Additionally, the skin in this area is sensitive, making the tattooing process more painful.

Another visible spot is the forearm. This area is ideal for long, detailed designs and is less painful compared to other visible spots. Forearm tattoos are easy to show off and can be covered with long sleeves if needed.

Pain Levels by Placement: What to Expect

Understanding pain levels by placement is crucial for anyone getting a new tattoo. Some areas hurt more than others due to thinner skin, proximity to bones, or nerve endings.

Least Painful Spots

– Outer Arm and Shoulder: These areas have thicker skin and fewer nerve endings, making them more tolerable.

– Thigh: Just like the outer arm, the thigh has plenty of muscle and fat to cushion the needle.

– Calf: This area also has more muscle and can be less painful compared to bony regions.

Moderately Painful Spots

– Forearm: While pain here is manageable, it can still sting, especially on the inner side where the skin is sensitive.

– Back: The upper back offers more muscle coverage, but areas around the spine can be quite sensitive.

Most Painful Spots

– Ribcage: This area is notorious for being very painful due to the thin skin and proximity to bones.

– Ankles and Feet: These spots have thin skin and little fat, making the tattoo process quite uncomfortable.

– Neck and Throat: With many nerve endings and thin skin, tattoos here can be quite painful.

Knowing what to expect in terms of pain can help you prepare mentally and physically for your new tattoo, ensuring a better overall experience.


Choosing the best place for your new tattoo involves considering factors like visibility, pain levels, and your personal style. Whether you prefer a high-visibility area to make a bold statement or a hidden spot for more discretion, understanding these elements can guide you to an informed decision. 

Each placement has its pros and cons, from popular areas like the arm and back to more private spots like the ribcage and hip. High-visibility places like the wrist and neck offer their unique set of advantages and challenges, particularly concerning pain levels and societal perceptions.

If you need expert advice on where to place your next piece of body art, Lucky Deville Tattoo Co is here to help. Our experienced artists can guide you through the process, ensuring your new tattoo in Buffalo is both beautiful and well-placed. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey toward your perfect tattoo.
