Your Guide to Preparing For Your First Microblading Session


Eyebrows have become one of many obsessions for women worldwide. Furthermore, eyebrow tattoos are becoming increasingly popular in the US after being introduced only a short time ago.

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeover that gives your eyebrows a realistic and natural look. The process involves creating hair strokes made to mimic the look of natural brow hair. That way, you get a 3-dimensional look that perfectly defines your brows. In addition, the procedure has been designed to look just like natural hair growth. The strokes are super thin and follow the shape of your eyebrows.

Yet some people who have tattoos near their eyes have experienced complications, so it’s essential to understand the process to prepare for your first microblading session.

Here’s what you need to know:

Eyebrow tattoos can be used to fill in gaps and touch up on a previous tattoo. To achieve the ideal shape, the tattoo artist will use a stencil. The stencil is attached to the skin with a tiny water-soluble adhesive. Eyebrow stencils are made from skin-toned pigments, soft to the touch and flexible.

Review Your Pre-Appointment Requirements

Before the tattoo can be applied, your artist will take photographs of your eyebrows and eyeball. Next, the skin will be cleaned, and a topical anesthetic applied. Using a manual vibrating microblading needle, your tattoo artist will draw the tattoo. After that, they’ll apply a topical anesthetic and a skin preservative to protect your tattoo.

Once the microblading session is over, the stencil is removed, and your tattoo is healed. From here, you will receive aftercare instructions.

Do Not Wax, Thread, or Pull Your eyebrows.

After your first microblading session, you will notice some swelling and slight redness. You may also notice a small amount of crusting, which should disappear in a few days. To help accelerate healing, avoid washing your face or rubbing it. You can use a non-comedogenic moisturizer. In the event of scabbing, avoid picking at them, as this can cause scarring.

Your stencil will wash off during your healing period, and your eyebrow shape will change slightly. However, in about a year, you should see a distinct change in the shape of your eyebrows.

Avoid Any Medication

During the healing period, medication can hamper the healing process. If you must take medication, speak to your physician about how it may affect your healing.

Be Smart About Sun Exposure

You should protect your tattoo from direct sunlight. After recovering from your microblading session, wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. This will helps prevent your tattoo from fading or scabbing over.

Avoid Excessive Water

Just like with your face, avoid getting water on your eyebrows. Use clean, soft washcloths to clean your skin. Avoid oily sunscreens. Oily sunscreen will block air from reaching your eyebrow tattoo, leading to ink degradation, oxidation, and fading.

Exfoliation is Fine

You should exfoliate your skin daily. Use a non-drying facial cleanser and remove any excess with a warm washcloth. Exfoliation is good for tattooed skin; it helps the skin breathe and improves your skincare products’ penetration.

Don’t Use Retinol Products for the Trip

Retinol products can weaken the skin at the site of the tattoo. Therefore, it’s best to avoid them for the first six months. Once the tattoo has healed, you can start using retinol products again.


Eyebrow tattoos may be tempting but are not always worth the risks. Make sure to research microblading before undergoing the procedure. Although microblading is an easy and convenient option, it may not be right for you.

If you want a creative and long-lasting tattoo, we will help you. Lucky Deville Tattoo is a Buffalo tattoo shop. We can give you the tattoo of your dreams, no matter who you are or your reasons. Visit our artists and see what we can do for you!
